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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

5000 Unique Visitors a Day Within 90 Days to Your Blog!

There have been many times when people have said, "Bob, you do so well on the net; how do you get so much TRAFFIC?!" The answer is, serious blogging is not the same as successful blogging.

If you want to become successful doing business on the net, you have to become serious with the way you promote and represent yourself and your blog!

How would you like to learn how I generate 5000 unique visitors to my blog, everyday?
Not only will you learn this here, I am going to give you the exact steps toward doing that and it will happen for you within 90 days; if you follow each step!

The cool thing about this formula is, there is no Ad-sense, no purchasing of additional internet marketing products and no reason that even an internet novice can't accomplish this type of success.

You all know me as the mentor/master mind personal development coach. Well, through helping people to develop a strong mindset within themselves, I also coach people toward running a successful business. There is a lot of hype in the net about driving traffic to your blog, but no internet superstars seem to be giving FREE blogging advice for FREE! They always manage to leave out the key ingredients.

The formula I am about to share with you, I learned from I can't remember where, therefore that is the reason why I haven't published a report on the topic. I know this wasn't my idea, but I have been using it and it works! So, fair is fair, when you receive valuable information that can benefit others, you should share with as many others as possible!

Let's begin with the "Formula that will Drive 5000 Unique Visitors to Your Blog, EVERYDAY within 90 Days!!!"

Step One,

Blogger is a nice and easy place to create blogs, but if you would like recognized blog traffic,
create a blog at and/or

Both are amazing blog sites and they get a lot of recognition, trust me on this!

One of the most critical elements to blogging is to get search engines to ping your blog! Pinging is critical to driving traffic to any site. It used to be that, you had to manually load articles to search engines. Today, with blogs, each time you add a new post, the search engine spiders index your site...immediately Thus, they ping your site!

Step Two

Once your blog is set up, you will need to get a domain name. There are many domain registries out there, one that I personally use is Domains Magnetic; the reason is, they are cheap!

Your domain name should not be your name, the name of your affiliate program, or the name of any product or service. The domain name for a blog should represent the content of the material that is within the body of your blog. This blog you are reading about is called, "Out-Side the Box Live: Official Blog".

Yes, as you know, Out-Side the Box Live is the new personal development and entrepreneur development online talk show that I am about to launch, but it is also how I believe my readers think. You think outside the box. It is imperative that we all learn to think that way and to be mentored by others that think along the same lines. I personally chose to be surrounded by "Spiritual Entrepreneurs"

Therefore, you must develop a domain name that screams the content of your blog.

Step Three

If you are currently using Google Ad-sense in your blog, stop it! Stop now and don't ever do it again! You will notice that my blog has none of that garbage on it. I am not in the business of sending people to sites owned by people I have never met or built relationships with. I do not promote products and services that do not either compliment my products or services or, I have never personally used. And, I definitely don't put things on my site that make me a measly 5-15 cents in profits.

So what should you place on your blog to increase your income? A subscription form. You will increase your sales by placing a subscription form on your site. Mine is in the form of a link. If you look at the end of my posts, it has a "link to subscribe". That link will take you to my opt-in form, which will send you my e-course, my newsletter and a link to the community of spiritual entrepreneurs that I belong to. That is marketing to its fullest, and any time I come up with a new article, everyone on my list will read it for free before I ever sell it in a book!

When you place a subscription or opt-in form on your site, not only are you increasing your chances of return traffic, but you can keep providing people with quality info and services... not to mention keeping them apprised of any affiliate program, product or, service you may be promoting. I think you are beginning to see the power of a subscription form.

Step Four

O.K., Now that you have properly set up your blog, it is time to write a powerful post. You want to write a post that is as powerful as possible. A good way to get practice at doing that is, look at some posts at the big name blogs, or at the blog of the person that drew you here! LOL!!!

To create a powerful post, you need four key ingredients:

1. Identify your audience! How can you possibly create a powerful blog, if you don't know who you are talking to? If you have a product or service that you are promoting, then find out who needs that product or service. Once you realize who those people are, figure out what it is that they would like to know. With that said, let's go to the second key ingredient to writing a powerful post...

2. Relate what you are trying to accomplish in your post with what your readers are looking for! For example, if you desire your readers to buy the vitamins that you are selling, then with the rule in step one, your readers must be ones that are looking for information on vitamins and nutrition. Therefore, you should probably be sharing the benefits of a healthy diet, proper exercise, and most importantly; they should be taking the correct vitamins. Then you lead them in a direction where you tell them what types of vitamins they should take. Do not tell them they should take your vitamins! We haven't gotten to the part where you should promote your product link yet!

3. The third key ingredient to a powerful post is; a repeat of number two...the more closely related your post is to what your readers are looking for and your product...the more sales you will generate.

4. Ah, the final key ingredient to a powerful blog post...Create a blog post related to what you are trying to achieve. Isn't it funny how it would seem that one, two, three and four are the same, only written differently...huh, I wander why that is? LOL!

Moving On...Step Five

Generating interest in your blog posts is one of the most crucial parts of writing. If the post is boring, then who is going to read it? If all this great traffic you are getting isn't reading your posts, then how are they ever going to buy your products?

With that said... there are two types of writing:

1. Boring; which is like a text book!

2. Exciting; which is like a text book with questions in it!

If you have noticed through out this post, I've been asking you questions. Asking questions within your posts compared to not asking questions, can mean success or failure!

Once again, what is the difference between a successful blog and an unsuccessful blog?...


I can not stress this point enough. If you were to read a blog and it continuously told you what to do, you would probably remember that blog for all of a minute after you left it. Now, if you were to read a blog that kept you thinking and kept your brain processing information, not only would you remember that blog; but, you would read the posts all the way to the end to get all the answers...wouldn't you?

So in generating interest in your posts, if you want your readers to focus on your blog, then you should focus your blog on exciting writing; i.e. keep asking questions up to the final paragraph!!!

By adding questions, it makes your readers stop and think about the appropriate answers, which leads them all the way to the end... this is where the fun begins...and continues on for both you and your readers:

Step Six

Once your readers reach the last paragraph, is it time for them to move on to another website? Sure it is...YOURS!

One of the most effective forms of marketing is to keep your readers involved with you. If you have created a post that has inspired your readers to keep reading to the end, then they are going to keep reading to the end and click the link in the last paragraph that is going to lead them to your affiliate, product or, service site! Oh, did I forget to mention that?

Your last paragraph, as well as your entire post, is not by nay means a sales pitch. Remember what I told you earlier about writing content that is powerful and will provide your readers with information they are looking for? Well, in your last paragraph you can briefly notify them that what they are looking for is at the link you are providing in that last paragraph.

Provide a little bit of info on what they will find when they reach the link, and they will click on it.

Here is the breakthrough you will come to realize, the key to affiliate sales and success in blogging lies within that link and the placement of that link. You will find that by placing your affiliate link in the last paragraph under said terms, will increase your websites click through rate by 20-30%!!!

Why is that? Because you just wrote some valuable information for your readers. Information that they can use. They will obviously click on a link that you recommend! The trick to this formula is; if you are involved with affiliate will increase your sales by 30-70%!

How cool is that? Sit back and think about that for a moment...What would it be like to actually create a substantial amount of income and success online? Let that boil in your blood, buddy!

Step 7

O.K. You just created a powerful, exciting blog that is leading traffic to your website. Now for the most important piece of the puzzle. Have you been asking yourself this question all through this post?

"When is he going to get to the part where he tells us how to drive traffic to our blog?"

I bet you forgot about that, or maybe didn't realize that I haven't told you yet. You see, this is how most of the internet guru guys get away with selling you an information product, that is supposed to show you the necessary steps to achieve something, and then you find yourself a little short on knowledge, and a lot short on money!

They create products that leave out the key ingredients to a formula...Well, I'm here to tell ya, I won't do that to ya because I know that you gotta have a couple of eggs to bake a cake!!! So...Let's start baking...

After you have properly set up and provided an exciting post on your blog, you need to drive some traffic to it! Social bookmarking sites are a great way to do that.

People say to me all the time, what is a social bookmarking site? Don't worry about it, just do a search for them and they'll pop up. I'm not going to waste any of your time here for that. The best social bookmarking site that I have used, and continues to generate traffic for me is...


Technorati is a great example of a bookmarking site, once you see'll probably think of a few more. Just go to the blue link just above this paragraph and register for Technorati.

Your next thing to do is to start generating some key words. In WordPress, you can create a blog post where you can tag as many related key words as possible. With that said, make sure that after you register your blog at Technorati, use Technorati as a keyword! This will allow your blog to ping through a huge social book marking site; which, in turn, will generate 400-500 more unique visitors a day! How cool is that. I can guarantee no internet guru has ever told you that secret before.

They hate me...they really do!!!

Step Eight...You're almost to the finish line!

Now that you are pinging traffic to your blog, Submit your blog URL to Ping Oat.

I am sure you have heard of RSS Feeds? If not, it really doesn't matter, but you can do a search to research what they are. What is important, is that you know that it is critical that your blog is submitted to them, a lot of them!

With that said, what is Ping Oat? Well, when you submit the URL of your blog to Ping Oat...
Ping Oat will submit your FEED..........IN CYBERSPACE!

I will repeat that, because you may have lost your focus through all of the excitement in your brain. When you go to and submit the URL of your blog, will, in turn, submit your blog URL to every RSS Feed in Cyberspace!

This process alone, drives thousands of unique visitors to your blog.

How cool is that? I just revealed on of the best kept secrets that bloggers use...and I gave it to you through a blog! I love it!

Step Nine

The final step to successful blogging, after you submit to CREATE MORE EXCITING POSTS!

Remember, the search engines will index them every time you post them. Don't post whatever you feel like; Your post has to have a definite purpose. It should wow your audiences every time!

If your traffic isn't reading your post, your traffic will die! Focus on the quality posts in order to receive return traffic. This entire formula will allow you to create one of the most profitable forms of internet marketing... Viral Marketing. You are never going to run out of traffic...I would suggest getting a good auto-responder to hold all of the new email addresses your going to receive...TRUST ME!

Alright folks, that's the formula to drive 5000 unique visitors to your blog every day, within 90 days, if you'd like to create even more value in your should consider surrounding yourself by successful people and, preferably, some millionaires. I know, you're thinking,

"Yeah right, like I know some millionaires!!!" Well, I do...would you like to meet them for free?
Find out more through the Spiritual Entrepreneurs Network!

Allow yourself to be surrounded by success and successful people.
With that said, Take Care and Warm Wishes to you!

Bob Yeager

By the end of this article you should be at least considering becoming more profitable with blogging. If that's the case, be sure to watch the 45 minute video tutorial I made for you to get you up and running within the hour Click Here for the video.

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